Content Development

Once upon a time, there were so few mass communication options that businesses clamored for a chance to get their signals out. But technology flipped the media world and now businesses face another problem: Having enough to say.

Those days of three networks, a half-dozen radio stations, a daily newspaper and billboards flying by at 60 mph are gone. The good news is that it’s much easier and less expensive now to launch a video streaming channel, messenger app community, email newsletter and website, thus owning the medium as well as the message. The bad news is, nobody is going to watch that channel, join that community, open that email or click on that website unless taking these actions brings them to compelling content.

Communication planning

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It’s best to start a content development initiative by identifying unique requirements. From there a detailed roadmap can illustrate how to optimally attract customers, investors or talent. Plans crafted by Darien Group would reference:

  • Ideation
  • Brand history
  • Competitive analysis and
  • Brand identity and positioning

Once these are established, the real work begins.

Web copy and blogging

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Today’s website is mainly a visual medium, but it needs to convey more than just a mood. It needs to explain a value proposition in a precise, linear way. Darien Group agrees with those who say that less is more when it comes to verbiage on a static page. Still, the lower the quantity of text, the higher its quality must be.

The rules are somewhat different for blog posts. While there’s an upward limit to what a typical visitor will read, there’s also a lower limit that separates a thought-provoking article from a tweet. Darien Group can ensure a company’s site is seeded with insightful blog posts at periodic intervals, ensuring visitors get in the habit of coming back.

Social media and messenger platforms

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Most companies belong on Facebook and Twitter, although that could change a year from now. Companies in the business-to-business space, generally speaking, should have a greater presence on LinkedIn than they do right now. But what about Instagram or Pinterest or other U.S.-based social media platforms? Is influencer marketing worth the added expense? Should a company seeking to grow overseas gain traction with QZone or Viber? Meantime, how can they use Reddit or Quora as force multipliers?

And lately, companies ignore messenger apps at their own peril. But which ones connect to a specific client base. There are reasons why some people prefer WhatsApp or WeChat or Telegram or any of their competitors.

Few companies have the time and expertise to land solid footprints on all these platforms. Selecting which ones to focus on requires curation to start with, then commitment with the follow-through with community management. This is where having such a partner as Darien Group can make the difference.

Streaming media

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No professional website is completely devoid of images. Photos and illustrations no only make a page more attractive, they aid in discoverability by an order of magnitude. When a site adds video streaming, though, that could increase traffic by yet another order.

Darien Group has the production team and infrastructure in place to produce quality video for a company’s website or streaming channel. For executives who don’t feel they’re ready for their close-ups, Darien Group offers the option of audio recording for podcasts, which enable speakers to engage with prospects who are driving, exercising, cooking or otherwise multitasking.

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