Portfolio Co-Branding

When a merchant bank, private equity house or venture capital firm buys an oil company, it’s for the wells. When it buys a software company, it’s for the code. It’s almost never for the brand. That’s the aggregator’s job.

Growing companies don’t generally have the expertise or wherewithal to visually distinguish themselves. They often have a superior product and solid management, which is what brought them to acquirers’ attention. But at some point, these acquirers will want to spin off the business at a steep multiple, and one obvious source of value-add that a portfolio holder can bring is its ability to invest in professional gloss. By giving their subsidiaries a consistent way of identifying themselves, it could add both profitability and speed to that exit.

Brand identity

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Individually, growth-oriented assets in a portfolio might have gotten by with just a logo, font and color palette. This is particularly true in the business-to-business space. The company that brings them together, though, has the resources to think about moodboard images, logotype variations and taglines. It can amplify awareness of each holding by providing them a shared look-and-feel, so that when one asset’s reputation is enhanced, all assets’ reputations are enhanced.

This ability to leverage marketing collateral is what differentiates one aggregator from another in the minds of both investors and customers. Consistent branding carries across an array of touchpoints: business cards, brochures, letterhead and conference swag as well as other marketing tools.

Instantly familiar cues can make each of a portfolio company’s unique assets – together and separately — more recognizable and thus more valuable. Darien Group understands that every missed opportunity to advance or defend a brand is an instance in which that brand’s value is diluted.

Web development

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Not every website is a sales channel. Not every website needs a cash register. But it does need to make a strong first impression that speaks to the company’s stability, credibility and trustworthiness.

A clean landing page, accompanied by interior pages that express moods visually and textual content concisely, can keep the bounce rate down. When every page has a brief, targeted message — “Team”, “Resources”, “Mission” – potential clients are more likely to take the next step and schedule a meeting.

A professional-grade website starts with eye-catching design and crackling copy, the kind of artifacts that require thorough training, specialized skills and, above all, native talent. Darien Group’s associates can concentrate on wireframes, full-site prototypes and mobile optimization so portfolio companies can focus on building the next generation of infrastructure.

Video and photography production

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Any presentation, whether targeting the public or investors, can be enhanced by embedded video. But it can just as easily be diminished if the media doesn’t promote the presenter’s narrative, exude high production value and maintain brand consistency.

If the video is presented on the infrastructure investment company’s website, it must be rendered in a way that will promote search engine optimization (SEO) and otherwise aid in the site’s discoverability and degree of engagement.

Whether that company’s goal for the video is to focus attention at an Investor’s Day or to mazimize SEO, the video could include much the same content:

  • Interviews with executive leadership and portfolio company management teams
  • Supplementary footage of portfolio company business operations
  • Moving case studies of portfolio properties
  • Animations and interactive diagrams

Darien Group stands ready to schedule professional photoshoots that highlight the value propositions of fast-growing assets as well as the credentials of the leaders who saw them first.

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